I know that this will hit home for some of you, it was especially helpful with what has been happening here. Another great article by Christine Kane.
9 Immutable Laws of Not Taking Things Personally
Do you ever feel like you're just way too sensitive?
Do comments from other people sometimes knock the wind out of you?
Girl, I totally understand!
During my 15 years in the entertainment business, I had lots of experience learning how to not take things personally!
Really though, there's opportunity in EVERY business to get this same lesson. It's all about learning to live as a creator, and not as a reactor.
One of the common challenges for successful purposeful women is about not taking things personally. That's because moving forward, getting bigger, and living your dreams require that you step out of the petty concerns of your small self. You simply can no longer afford to waste that kind of energy and attention.
So, here are the 9 Immutable Laws of Not Taking Things Personally. Let them guide you to bigger places in your world!
A well-loved acronym, this stands for "Some will. Some won't. So what? Someone's waiting!"
It means that some people will love what you do.
Then there will be those who look at your work, read your poems, review your resume, visit your store - and they'll shrug and say, "Yea, not so much."
So what?
Somewhere out there someone is waiting for your gift. And if you have to keep working on your craft, or wait a little while, that's okay!
2 - Uplevel your "Why."
Your WHY is your deeper motivation. Your WHY is your guideline. Your WHY will help you dismiss the minor petty things that try to hold you back. If you don't know your WHY, if you aren't sure of your purpose here on this planet, set an intention to get clear about that. It will change your outcomes.
3 - Remember that people are busy.
People are busy.
Don't sink into resentment when a single email isn't answered. It's not personal. Many times, it's just that people don't have time to answer every email. We all have a lot on our plates. It's not personal if you have to try someone twice or three times! (Revisit #1.)
4 - Email is instant. Use accordingly.
The rapid pace of our culture has removed much of the etiquette that some might normally expect. Most people just "fire off" email without thinking.
If you get an email that hurts or feels personal, take some time to chill out. Then re-read the email in a kind voice. Be careful with the temptation to over-dramatize someone else being in a hurry.
5 - Begin each day with presence.
How you begin your day sets the tone for the day.
Learn to start your day by getting centered with creative and proactive activities. Some possibilities: meditation, yoga, going to the gym, writing down goals and intentions, visioning your day in advance. Start with a strong foundation each day.
6 - Eat enough. Sleep enough.
Being tired or hungry will make you more sensitive or irritable. Don't try to function well in these draining conditions.
7 - The power of lists.
Are you hoping for the ONE BIG THING that will be your "saving grace?" This is a veritable petri dish for taking things personally!
Examples: Applying for a scholarship to one single program. Submitting your article off to one magazine. Waiting to hear back from one single new client.
There's a better way. Before you send yourself out into the world - be it resume, grant, publication - make a list of many options. Then, move down the list if someone says no. Find the someone who's waiting.
8 - Shut up and listen
When you quietly listen, you may actually see humor in how you can take everything so personally. (LISTEN and SILENT have the same letters for a reason!)
When you're in a conversation, stop and listen. Really deeply listen. Try practicing this first in conversations that are neutral. This will prepare you for more highly charged situations.
9 - Communicate without Emotion
Do you use phrases like this?
- "Well, you're the one who..."
- "You took that all wrong!"
- "You ALWAYS do that!"
- "I'll NEVER make it!"
Notice that this language is laced with drama and blame.
Language is a very powerful tool. Learn to use words that aren't about the emotions and pointing fingers.
"I didn't communicate this well so let me try again."
"I'm not sure I understand you. Can we discuss this on the phone?"
Learn to take a "Here's the facts ma'am" approach. Write out your desired outcome for the conversation. Get clear inside yourself, and then talk with the other person.
Christine Kane is the Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. She helps women uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly LiveCreative eZine goes out to over 12,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at http://christinekane.com.
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