a year ago I began a little experiment with my hair care… little did I know
that I would still be doing it and loving it all these months later. For those who don’t know, I gave up traditional
shampoo and conditioner during the end of December last year, and haven’t
looked back.
Boy had sent me a website that discussed the use of a baking soda and water
mixture to replace shampoo and a concoction of apple cider vinegar and water as
a conditioning rinse. Each mix begins
with one tablespoon of either the baking soda or the vinegar to one cup of
water. Of course these measurements can and
should be adjusted depending on your length of hair.
is my hair, almost dry, just the other day.)
the beginning, I had to perfectly measure the baking soda because when I had
too little then my hair felt greasy, too much then it felt dry and
brittle. Once I got the measurements
down everything else just fell into place.
you would have asked me last year if I thought I would still be using baking
soda and vinegar as my wash aids, I would have laughed and told you no. I thought that I would try it out and see how
it worked but then, eventually, I would go back to store bought shampoo and
conditioner. I am happy and impressed
with the results. For the first time my
hair has truly become wash and go… and that’s a great thing for me. I don’t like to fuss with my hair and since I
have naturally curly hair I’ve just about always had to futz with it or put it
for me, here’s to another year “poo” free.
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