is the season finale of The Rachel Zoe
Project on Bravo and that saddens me a bit.
It is no big surprise that I adore fashion and have more than my fair
share of guilty pleasure television viewing, and RZP fits this bill to a “t”.
Last week, Rachel and company (minus Taylor) were in Paris celebrating
fashion week and it was pure eye candy with all of the fashion shows, as well
as their visiting different fashion houses, stores and the OOCness (out of
control-ness) of Coco Chanel’s apartment.
title, as well as OCC, comes from Rachel’s vernacular, things that she, and now
her staff and anyone who watches the show for even the shortest bit of time,
say on a regular basis. I know it has
become a part of my lexicon, usually when I talk or write with Baby Boy; luckily
my use of these phrases tends to be limited to discussions about Rachel and/ or
the show.
found a list from Entertainment Weekly with some Zoeisms cutely titled Zoe to
fourth and final episode for The Day
Before on Sundance is also happening tonight; however, there is also an
airing on Sunday, October 18th.
This installment stars
of opportunities for your viewing pleasure.
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